

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year 2011

The thing about new beginings is that they require something else to end
Some endings take a long time to reveal themselves, but when they do there almost to easy to ignore.
Some beginings start so queitly you dont even notice their happening,
but most endings come when you least expect them and what they pertain is darker then you
ever imagiend.
Not all beginings are caused for celebration, alot of bad things begin.
Like the fall of a relationtionship, the start of the truth after lies come out.
But like anything else your gonna have to make it work for you!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Day

Wake Up Wake Up its time to awake from our slumber
and learn the hard truth, that some nightmares don't end once we
open our eyes.

While most people think its our brain that controls our actions
its often our hearts that gets the biggest workout.
It could makes us do the craziest of things,
but it could also let us take a chance on lil adventures.
because when we open our hearts we could explore a world of love.
and be pleasantly surprise, by the people already in our life but unfortunately our hearts are very sensitive, and when their broken every thing around us gets shattered.

To revive a struggling relationship, their comes point when we
must stop protecting what we have, to allow for what we truly need,
moving forward can mean reaching out, reaching back or reaching balance
and while new journeys can start with a single step
they can end just as quickly with a single mis-step
and when even the healthiest of relationship find itself on life support,
its important to remember, New Days don't always mean a New Beginning
but they almost always bring New Surprises.